Reports from trips involving aid shenanigans can be found here...
New Mexico
- Bug-Eyed Monster (C0S) - Palisade
- Rimrock Spire aka "the Bear" (5.7 C1) - DeBeque Canyon
- Tom Thumb's Tallywag (C1+X) - Palisade
- The Sword of Damocles (A1R) - Palisade
- Tower of Babel (5.4 C2 R) - Garden of the Gods
- West Pawnee Butte (5.6X A4+) - Pawnee National Grasslands
- West Pawnee Butte - Repeat (5.4 A2X) - Pawnee National Grasslands
- West Pawnee Butte (#3) via Northeast Face (5.6X A4+)
New Mexico
- Crooked Arrow Spire - Castle Valley
- Dark Angel - Arches National Park
- Echo Tower (5.9 C2+) Fisher Towers
- Devil's Golfball (5.9 C1+) - Arches National Park
- The Happy Turk (C0) - Kane Creek
- The Happy Turk - Repeat (C0) - Kane Creek
- The Kingfisher (5.8 C2) - Fisher Towers
- Mexican Hat (C0) - Mexican Hat
- Moonlight Buttress (5.9 C1+ attempt) - Zion National Park
- The Oracle (5.10X C2++) - Fisher Towers
- Pensive Putterman (5.3 C1) - Kane Creek
- Three Gossips (5.7 C1) - Arches National Park